Duolingo English Test is introducing a new question type, Interactive Writing in April 2024. Excelling it is crucial for achieving a higher writing score. In this article, we will show the brief introduction of the Interactive Writing question, and strategies for answering it effectively, and provide you with templates to help you succeed.
Overview of Interactive Writing
a. Brief View:
Interactive Writing is an extension of the existing "Read, then Write" reading and writing question. It aims to assess students' subjective expression abilities, encouraging candidates to develop deeper viewpoints and thoughts on given topics.
b. Question Format:
The exam is divided into two stages. In the first stage, candidates have 5 minutes to write based on the given proposition. In the second stage, candidates will receive a new proposition and have 3 minutes to further create based on the content of the first stage's writing.
c. Score Calculation:
The scores from this section will be included in two separate scores: "Literacy" (reading and writing abilities) and "Production" (expression abilities).
Strategies for Answering Interactive Writing Questions
1. The first step is to write for 5 minutes on a given topic. Based on the previous writing question type, such as "Read, Then Write," which also required writing for five minutes and aiming for 50 words, it can be inferred that the new writing question's first step also requires at least 50 words. However, it's possible to write around 70-80 words within five minutes with practice. According to the sample answer provided by the official source, the word count reached 89 words, which aligns with the prediction.
2. The second step involves further response within three minutes. Based on the word count of the first question, this question can be answered with around 50 words. The second step actually does not have different question content based on the first step's answer. Both questions together do not differ significantly from previous reading and writing content. However, since the previous requirement was to write a paragraph for five minutes, now it's essentially writing for eight minutes, which increases the importance due to the extended time.
3. Many candidates wonder if templates are applicable to this question type. Regarding templates, there have been many discussions since the introduction of TOEFL and IELTS exams, and Duolingo has gained popularity in recent years. Additionally, with computer scoring, people tend to rely on templates more. However, are templates really useful? If one needs to spend time searching for which template to use within limited time, and then only manages to write half a sentence, wasting one or two minutes, it's not worth it.
*Tips: Here insert the recommanded template to excel Interactive Writing!
1. Tell your point of view first
2. Tell the reason
3. Show the example or evidence to proof your view
4. Emphasize again
4. Of course, templates have some utility for comparison or analysis of pros and cons type questions. However, templates are only frameworks. Don't waste time piling up templates, leaving no time to express your own viewpoint. Otherwise, that piece of writing becomes a skeleton.
Additional Resources
By understanding all the new question types, utilizing the provided templates, and practicing with sample questions, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle this new challenge in the Duolingo English Test 2024. Good luck with your exam!
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